Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Get Creative with Pillar Candles

You don’t have to throw away any old pillar candles you might have lying around. Decorate them and they can be just like new again. There are a bunch of things you can do, but here are a couple:
If you have a scented pillar candle and you love the scent but maybe not the color, then dress up that color a little bit. Place small thumbtacks or straight pins into the candle – put one on each side. Then string beads around the candle, letting them “drape” between the pins. You can do a single row or multiple rows, depending on the size of the candle. Clear beads will also glitter in the candlelight.
Of, if you are good with paint, get out your acrylic paint and decorate that candle around the sides (never the top where the wick sits). There’s no reason why it must stay plain!

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