Friday, June 29, 2012

Hello everyone,

I don't know if you stay as busy as i do, but I am learning every day how to better manage my time. Some day I will be perfect, but that day is not likely to be today! However, today is better than yesterday! Ha ha.

I can tell you that being in this business has really led me to meet some amazing people. I just met a couple the other day and we sat and talked for quite some time about all kinds of stuff. But, since we were both grandma's we ended up on our favorite subject: the grandkids. They are so delightful at this age!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hello everyone,
Another busy day but I am enjoying every minute of it! I met a couple of new people today, Arthur, Adam, and Laura, at Chase Bank in Fort Worth. We were supposed to be doing business but ended up chatting. I guess I am allowed since today's my birthday!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hello everyone. Just getting started on this blog, and I am very excited about it. We are launching our new venture and have found so many wonderful people already. Our mentor, Gaylon, has been super helpful, and we've already made friends with some really nice folks out there. I'll try to be disciplined and write something every day on how it's going.

It is always terrifying to launch into something new, but I am trying to document the progress so I can not only report on it, but also help others who want to step out and try the same thing. Our goal here at is not just to sell stuff, but to make a better life for our family, become a part of the entire internet community, meet new people, and help others do this exact same thing with a step by step plan. God willing, we are on our way!